LegXercise Brand
Natural Drug-Free Way to...
• Stimulate Leg Circulation
• Reduce Swelling in your Legs, Ankles & Feet
• Strengthen Legs Weakened due to Inactivity
• Alleviate Leg & Foot Cramps
• Soothe Leg Pain, and Calm Restless Legs
• Increase your Mobility
Here's how it works...
First, it aligns your body and legs in the proper position for healthy circulation, then while in that perfect position, it moves your legs back and forth up to 4200 times per hour simulating a 1.7-mile walk. It's electric & motorized, so it moves your legs while you sit back and relax, this is similar to how a physical therapist moves your legs for you. ZERO will power required, your mind is completely free to enjoy your favorite seated activities.
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The LegXercise Collection